PBS’ A Craftsman’s Legacy
The Cowboy Hat Maker Master Hatter Nate Funmaker is one of the only Native American Master Hatters in the nation. Eric travels to Texas to meet this extraordinary craftsman and tries his hand, and head, at hat making.
5280 The Denver Magazine
The Hatmaker of Mancos vidoe feature. They say about 1,300 people live in Mancos, but that seems unbelievably generous driving down the quaint ranching town’s Grand Avenue. It’s even more difficult to believe that enough bespoke boots walk into Nathaniel’s of Colorado for the celebrated hat shop to stay in business.
Nate Visited by The Next US
Walking down Main Street we saw a storefront for Nathaniel’s a hat maker.Nate Funmaker, a Winnebago Native American, turned out to be a great gift in our lives. We spent time getting to know him and learned of the ways he sustains and grows his business out of this small town. His hats have traveled […]